Friday, June 26, 2009

This has been a great experience for our TEC students. All of the students participating have stated that it is a once in a life time experience. The Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) competition was extremely competitive. A total of 33 states competed. The students placed 4th and missed medal contention by only a few points. I do feel that if we would have had the same equipment as the other states, the students could have scored better on the collection part of the testing. The CSI team missed a critical piece of evidence under the back seat of the vehicle. They do not practice with simulated firearms and do not recognize the shapes in low light situations. I am very proud of the students and feel that they did the best job under the conditions. They only have 30 minutes to process the scene and 30 minutes to write a report. Not even a trained Police Officer can process a scene in that short of a time. Great Job St. Clair TEC CSI Students!

Your Instructor,
Richard DeShon

1 comment:

  1. Awwww! Mr. Deshone can say such nice things T.T We were so close to a first place medal. only 20 points!

    Thanks for making it so much fun. Sorry I cried like a baby the whole way home!

    <3333 love skills!

    -Shelby McCormick
